T h e V i r t u a l P i a n o F o r u m

What: An online musical community for piano students to practice performing for their peers in a relaxed environment. This forum will allow students the opportunity to learn how to construct supportive and specifically helpful comments. Students will receive feedback from both fellow students as well as some ideas from me, the facilitating leader of the group.
When: Sept-Dec 2021 - NOTE: Exact days and class times may be subject to change based on the availability of the students who are interested in enrolling and the teacher's availability. All classes are 4:30-5:45 p.m. PST, possibly running on the following dates: Sept 14, Sept 28, Oct __ (Date TBA), Oct 26, Nov 9, Nov 16, Dec 7, and Dec 14.
Why: This community provides an opportunity for students to connect with one another and to have a shared musical experience that is not always accessible to piano students.
Who: Junior high to high school aged pianists of late intermediate to advanced skill level
Where: Online on Zoom! A computer or mobile device that can run Zoom is required for this class.
Tuition: $225 for Fall 2021 semester.
This covers the cost of 8 group classes and 2 private 15 minute check-up conversations. At these times, I may be able to provide more individualized
feedback or answer any particular questions. Please be in touch with me if you have any questions. Financial aid may be available to select participants in need.
Check out the first zoom meeting for free with no obligation of commitment.
Contact me and I will be in touch with you about details for the trial class.
If you have any other questions or would like to register, please reach me through my Contact page and subject your message "Virtual Piano Forum."